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꽤 많은 영어로

"꽤 많은" 예문

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • fair
  •     꽤 [제법] quite; pretty; rather;
  • 많은    much; a lot of; very; plenty of; a lot; many;
  • 꽤 많은 수    quite a few
  • 꽤 많은 수의    quite a few
  •     꽤 [제법] quite; pretty; rather; fairly(바람직한 일에 쓰임); considerably; [비교적] comparatively; relatively; [생각보다 더] beyond one's expectation. ~ 먼 거리 a good distance. ~ 많은 금액 a considerable[sizable] sum of mon
  • 많은    much; a lot of; very; plenty of; a lot; many; plenty; numerous
  • 꽤 건강한    tolerable
  • 꽤 까다로운    pernickety
  • 가장 많은    best; most
  • 겁 많은    hair-raising; yellow bellied; yellow; tremulant; chicken hearted; tremulous; hen hearted; timid; terrific; chicken
  • 겁많은    pusillanimous; coward; dastardly; timid; yellow; cowardly; fearful
  • 겁이 많은    recreant
  • 고난 많은    worrying; perturbing; troubling
  • 꽃이 많은    flowery
  • 꾀가 많은    crafty; wily


  • Something that obviously requires quite a bit of cash.
    확실히 그 일이란 게 꽤 많은 돈이 필요한 모양이군요
  • Yo... you've been owning those cats in the ring.
    잘 지내나, 칼 루카스? 싸움판에서 꽤 많은 놈들을 쓰러뜨렸다면서
  • That's a lot of money even by Allentown standards, right?
    그 정도면 알렌타운 기준으로도 꽤 많은 거야, 그렇지?
  • Last year you gave a sizable contribution to Al Haq.
    작년에 알 하크에 꽤 많은 액수를 기부하셨죠
  • And with everyone dead, maybe a lot of that
    게다가 모두 죽었으니 이제 꽤 많은.
  • I've reserved the main conference room.
    꽤 많은 수술들이였지 메인 컨퍼런스룸 예약해 놨구요
  • That old thing is taking quite a bit of time.
    그 이상한것에 꽤 많은 시간이 걸렸어요
  • A bunch of his SEAL team didn't make it back.
    꽤 많은 SEAL팀 전우가 귀환 못했어요
  • It'sa smallfirm, butwehandle quitea bitof money.
    작은 회사지만 꽤 많은 돈을 다뤄요
  • It seems like she's getting along very well.
    꽤 많은 시간을 보낸거 같구나.
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